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This module provides the NumpyArrayConverter class, which allows converting a numpy array into a list of dictionaries representing series.

Bases: ToSeriesListConverter

Converts a numpy array into a list of dictionaries representing series. Each dictionary contains information about the series name, values and type.


Name Type Description Default
np_array array

The numpy array to convert.

column_name Optional[ColumnName]

The name of a column. By default, uses column indices. Can be set with an Index:Name pair or, for single-dimensional arrays, with just the Name.

column_dtype Optional[ColumnDtype]

The dtype of a column. By default, uses the np_array's dtype. Can be set with an Index:DType pair or, for single-dimensional arrays, with just the DType.

default_measure_value MeasureValue

Default value to use for missing measure values. Defaults to 0.

default_dimension_value DimensionValue

Default value to use for missing dimension values. Defaults to an empty string.


Get series list from numpy array:

converter = NumpyArrayConverter(np_array)
series_list = converter.get_series_list()
Source code in src/ipyvizzu/data/converters/numpy/
class NumpyArrayConverter(ToSeriesListConverter):
    Converts a `numpy` `array` into a list of dictionaries representing series.
    Each dictionary contains information about the series `name`, `values` and `type`.

        np_array: The `numpy` `array` to convert.
            The name of a column. By default, uses column indices. Can be set with an
            Index:Name pair or, for single-dimensional arrays, with just the Name.
            The dtype of a column. By default, uses the np_array's dtype. Can be set
            with an Index:DType pair or, for single-dimensional arrays, with just the DType.
            Default value to use for missing measure values. Defaults to 0.
            Default value to use for missing dimension values. Defaults to an empty string.

        Get series list from `numpy` `array`:

            converter = NumpyArrayConverter(np_array)
            series_list = converter.get_series_list()

    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

    def __init__(
        np_array: "numpy.array",  # type: ignore
        column_name: Optional[ColumnName] = None,
        column_dtype: Optional[ColumnDtype] = None,
        column_unit: Optional[ColumnUnit] = None,
        default_measure_value: MeasureValue = NAN_MEASURE,
        default_dimension_value: DimensionValue = NAN_DIMENSION,
    ) -> None:
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments

        super().__init__(default_measure_value, default_dimension_value)
        self._np = self._get_numpy()
        self._np_array = np_array
        self._column_name: Dict[Index, Name] = self._get_columns_config(column_name)
        self._column_dtype: Dict[Index, DType] = self._get_columns_config(column_dtype)
        self._column_unit: Dict[Index, Unit] = self._get_columns_config(column_unit)

    def get_series_list(self) -> List[Series]:
        Convert the `numpy` `array` to a list of dictionaries representing series.

            A list of dictionaries representing series,
            where each dictionary has `name`, `values` and `type` keys.

        if self._np_array.ndim == 0:
            return []
        if self._np_array.ndim == 1:
            return self._get_series_list_from_array1dim()
        if self._np_array.ndim == 2:
            return self._get_series_list_from_array2dim()
        raise ValueError("arrays larger than 2D are not supported")

    def _get_series_list_from_array1dim(self) -> List[Series]:
        i = 0
        name = self._column_name.get(i, i)
        unit = self._column_unit.get(i, None)
        values, infer_type = self._convert_to_series_values_and_type(
            (i, self._np_array)
        return [self._convert_to_series(name, values, infer_type, unit)]

    def _get_series_list_from_array2dim(self) -> List[Series]:
        series_list = []
        for i in range(self._np_array.shape[1]):
            name = self._column_name.get(i, i)
            unit = self._column_unit.get(i, None)
            values, infer_type = self._convert_to_series_values_and_type(
                (i, self._np_array[:, i])
            series_list.append(self._convert_to_series(name, values, infer_type, unit))
        return series_list

    def _get_numpy(self) -> ModuleType:
            import numpy as np  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

            return np
        except ImportError as error:
            raise ImportError(
                "numpy is not available. Please install numpy to use this feature."
            ) from error

    def _get_columns_config(
        config: Optional[Union[ColumnConfig, Dict[Index, ColumnConfig]]],
    ) -> Dict[Index, ColumnConfig]:
        if config is None:
            return {}
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            if not self._np_array.ndim == 1:
                raise ValueError("non dict value can only be used for a 1D array")
            return {0: config}
        return config

    def _convert_to_series_values_and_type(
        self, obj: Tuple[int, "numpy.array"]  # type: ignore
    ) -> Tuple[SeriesValues, InferType]:
        column = obj
        i = column[0]
        array = column[1]
        dtype = self._column_dtype.get(i, self._np_array.dtype)
        if self._np.issubdtype(dtype, self._np.number):
            return self._convert_to_measure_values(array), InferType.MEASURE
        return self._convert_to_dimension_values(array), InferType.DIMENSION

    def _convert_to_measure_values(
        self, obj: "numpy.array"  # type: ignore
    ) -> List[MeasureValue]:
        array = obj
        array_float = array.astype(float)
        return self._np.nan_to_num(
            array_float, nan=self._default_measure_value

    def _convert_to_dimension_values(
        self, obj: "numpy.array"  # type: ignore
    ) -> List[DimensionValue]:
        array = obj
        array_str = array.astype(str)
        replace_nan = "nan"
        mask = array_str == replace_nan
        array_str[mask] = self._default_dimension_value
        return array_str.tolist()


Convert the numpy array to a list of dictionaries representing series.


Type Description

A list of dictionaries representing series,


where each dictionary has name, values and type keys.

Source code in src/ipyvizzu/data/converters/numpy/
def get_series_list(self) -> List[Series]:
    Convert the `numpy` `array` to a list of dictionaries representing series.

        A list of dictionaries representing series,
        where each dictionary has `name`, `values` and `type` keys.

    if self._np_array.ndim == 0:
        return []
    if self._np_array.ndim == 1:
        return self._get_series_list_from_array1dim()
    if self._np_array.ndim == 2:
        return self._get_series_list_from_array2dim()
    raise ValueError("arrays larger than 2D are not supported")