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A module for storing the JavaScript templates.

ipyvizzu.template.VIZZU_VERSION = '0.16' module-attribute

A variable for storing the default version of the vizzu package.

ipyvizzu.template.VIZZU = f'{VIZZU_VERSION}/dist/vizzu.min.js' module-attribute

A variable for storing the default url of the vizzu package.


Bases: Enum

An enum class for storing chart properties.

Source code in src/ipyvizzu/
class ChartProperty(Enum):
    """An enum class for storing chart properties."""

    CONFIG = "config"
    """An enum key-value for storing config chart property."""

    STYLE = "style"
    """An enum key-value for storing style chart property."""

CONFIG = 'config' class-attribute instance-attribute

An enum key-value for storing config chart property.

STYLE = 'style' class-attribute instance-attribute

An enum key-value for storing style chart property.


Bases: Enum

An enum class for storing chart display options.

Source code in src/ipyvizzu/
class DisplayTarget(Enum):
    """An enum class for storing chart display options."""

    BEGIN = "begin"
    """Display all animation steps after the constructor's cell."""

    END = "end"
    """Display all animation steps after the last running cell."""

    ACTUAL = "actual"
    """Display the actual animation step after the currently running cell."""

    MANUAL = "manual"
    """Display all animation steps after calling a show method."""

BEGIN = 'begin' class-attribute instance-attribute

Display all animation steps after the constructor's cell.

END = 'end' class-attribute instance-attribute

Display all animation steps after the last running cell.

ACTUAL = 'actual' class-attribute instance-attribute

Display the actual animation step after the currently running cell.

MANUAL = 'manual' class-attribute instance-attribute

Display all animation steps after calling a show method.


A class for storing JavaScript snippet templates.

Source code in src/ipyvizzu/
class DisplayTemplate:
    """A class for storing JavaScript snippet templates."""

    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

    IPYVIZZUJS: str = "{ipyvizzujs}"
    """ipyvizzu JavaScript class."""

    INIT: str = (
        "window.ipyvizzu.createChart(element, "
        + "'{chart_id}', '{vizzu}', '{div_width}', '{div_height}');"
    """Call createChart JavaScript method."""

        "if (window.IpyVizzu) window.IpyVizzu.changeAnalyticsTo({analytics});"
    """Call changeAnalyticsTo JavaScript method."""

    ANIMATE: str = (
        "window.ipyvizzu.animate(element, "
        + "'{chart_id}', '{anim_id}', '{display_target}', {scroll}, "
        + "lib => {{ return {chart_target} }}, {chart_anim_opts});"
    """Call animate JavaScript method."""

    FEATURE: str = (
        "window.ipyvizzu.feature(element, '{chart_id}', '{name}', {enabled});"
    """Call feature JavaScript method."""

    PLUGIN: str = (
        "window.ipyvizzu.plugin(element, "
        + "'{chart_id}', '{plugin}', {options}, '{name}', {enabled});"
    """Call plugin JavaScript method."""

    STORE: str = ", '{chart_id}', '{id}');"
    """Call store JavaScript method."""

    SET_EVENT: str = (
        "window.ipyvizzu.setEvent(element, "
        + "'{chart_id}', '{id}', '{event}', event => {{ {handler} }});"
    """Call setEvent JavaScript method."""

    CLEAR_EVENT: str = (
        "window.ipyvizzu.clearEvent(element, '{chart_id}', '{id}', '{event}');"
    """Call clearEvent JavaScript method."""

    LOG: str = "window.ipyvizzu.log(element, '{chart_id}', '{chart_property}');"
    """Call log JavaScript method."""

    CONTROL: str = "window.ipyvizzu.control(element, '{method}', {params});"
    """Call animation control JavaScript methods."""

        "if (window.IpyVizzu) { window.IpyVizzu.clearInhibitScroll(element); }"
    """Call clearInhibitScroll JavaScript method if ipyvizzu JavaScript class exists."""

IPYVIZZUJS = '{ipyvizzujs}' class-attribute instance-attribute

ipyvizzu JavaScript class.

INIT = 'window.ipyvizzu.createChart(element, ' + "'{chart_id}', '{vizzu}', '{div_width}', '{div_height}');" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call createChart JavaScript method.

CHANGE_ANALYTICS_TO = 'if (window.IpyVizzu) window.IpyVizzu.changeAnalyticsTo({analytics});' class-attribute instance-attribute

Call changeAnalyticsTo JavaScript method.

ANIMATE = 'window.ipyvizzu.animate(element, ' + "'{chart_id}', '{anim_id}', '{display_target}', {scroll}, " + 'lib => {{ return {chart_target} }}, {chart_anim_opts});' class-attribute instance-attribute

Call animate JavaScript method.

FEATURE = "window.ipyvizzu.feature(element, '{chart_id}', '{name}', {enabled});" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call feature JavaScript method.

PLUGIN = 'window.ipyvizzu.plugin(element, ' + "'{chart_id}', '{plugin}', {options}, '{name}', {enabled});" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call plugin JavaScript method.

STORE = ", '{chart_id}', '{id}');" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call store JavaScript method.

SET_EVENT = 'window.ipyvizzu.setEvent(element, ' + "'{chart_id}', '{id}', '{event}', event => {{ {handler} }});" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call setEvent JavaScript method.

CLEAR_EVENT = "window.ipyvizzu.clearEvent(element, '{chart_id}', '{id}', '{event}');" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call clearEvent JavaScript method.

LOG = "window.ipyvizzu.log(element, '{chart_id}', '{chart_property}');" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call log JavaScript method.

CONTROL = "window.ipyvizzu.control(element, '{method}', {params});" class-attribute instance-attribute

Call animation control JavaScript methods.

CLEAR_INHIBITSCROLL = 'if (window.IpyVizzu) { window.IpyVizzu.clearInhibitScroll(element); }' class-attribute instance-attribute

Call clearInhibitScroll JavaScript method if ipyvizzu JavaScript class exists.