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ipyvizzu requires the IPython and jsonschema packages.


ipyvizzu requires and downloads the Vizzu JavaScript/C++ library from jsDelivr CDN, but you can also use a different or self-hosted version of it. Check Chart settings chapter for more details.


Run the following command to install ipyvizzu from pypi

pip install ipyvizzu

and this is how to upgrade it.

pip install -U ipyvizzu


ipyvizzu can be used with some extra dependencies such as pandas, pyspark, numpy and fugue.

For example if you would like to work with pandas DataFrame and ipyvizzu, you should install pandas as an extra:

pip install ipyvizzu[pandas]

You can use ipyvizzu in Jupyter/IPython, Streamlit or Panel (see Environments chapter for more details).


You can install ipyvizzu in your notebook without using the command line by entering the following code into a cell.

!pip install ipyvizzu

conda / mamba

Installing ipyvizzu from conda-forge can be achieved by adding conda-forge to your channels with:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

Once the conda-forge channel has been enabled, run the following command to install ipyvizzu from conda

conda install ipyvizzu

# or with mamba:

mamba install ipyvizzu

and this is how to upgrade it.

conda update ipyvizzu

# or with mamba:

mamba update ipyvizzu