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There is a new Streamlit component, streamlit-vizzu, that allow you to interact with an ipyvizzu chart within a Streamlit app without the chart being redrawn on every interaction.


The features of ipyvizzu that are available in Streamlit are marked with a green check.

  • Change the url of Vizzu (vizzu)
  • Change the width of the Chart (width)
  • Change the height of the Chart (height)
  • Use scroll into view (scroll_into_view=True)

Display features:

  • Display all animations after _repr_html_ method called (display=DisplayTarget.MANUAL)
  • Display all animations after show method called (display=DisplayTarget.MANUAL)
  • Automatically display all animations after the first cell (display=DisplayTarget.BEGIN)
  • Automatically display all animations after the currently running cell (display=DisplayTarget.ACTUAL)
  • Automatically display all animations after the last running cell (display=DisplayTarget.END)
  • Rerun any cell without rerun the first cell (display!=DisplayTarget.MANUAL)

Check Chart settings chapter for more details.


Run the following command in your command line in order to install ipyvizzu (visit Installation chapter for more options and details).

pip install ipyvizzu pandas streamlit


Try ipyvizzu in Streamlit with the following sample.

# import streamlit, pandas and ipyvizzu

from streamlit.components.v1 import html
import pandas as pd
from ipyvizzu import Chart, Data, Config, Style, DisplayTarget

def create_chart():
    # initialize Chart

    chart = Chart(
        width="640px", height="360px", display=DisplayTarget.MANUAL

    # create and add data to Chart

    data = Data()
    df = pd.read_csv(


    # add config to Chart

                "x": "Count",
                "y": "Sex",
                "label": "Count",
                "title": "Passengers of the Titanic",
                "x": ["Count", "Survived"],
                "label": ["Count", "Survived"],
                "color": "Survived",
    chart.animate(Config({"x": "Count", "y": ["Sex", "Survived"]}))

    # add style to Chart

    chart.animate(Style({"title": {"fontSize": 35}}))

    # return generated html code

    return chart._repr_html_()

# generate Chart's html code

CHART = create_chart()

# display Chart

html(CHART, width=650, height=370)

Place the above code blocks into a python file (for example called and run the following command in your command line in order to try it.

streamlit run

Check the Tutorial for more info.